Is Lead in My Paint?

One of the leading causes of lead poisoning is paint. Most homes in Iowa built before 1950 contain lead-based paint. In fact, children living in homes built before 1978 have the highest risk of lead poisoning. Lead can be breathed in from paint dust and chips. The paint may not pose a problem in everyday life if it isn't peeling. However, it becomes a problem when you remove, strip, or sand the paint, because lead dust gets released into the air.

If you decide to remodeldeling and strip the paint from your walls, make sure that you are not disturbing the lead-based paint. You may be poisoned by the lead if you try to remodel or repaint a home with lead-based paint. Hire a qualified expert before you do anything.

If you live in a pre-1950s home, your child could get a hold of paint chips, dust, or contaminated soil. Children often put their hands to their mouths, and if they have dust or soil on their hands, they will swallow lead within a matter of seconds.

The Iowa Department of Public Health warns of childhood lead poisoning, which especially harms the developing nervous systems and brains of children under six years old. If a child has a high blood lead level, his mind, intelligence, and hearing is affected. Lead poisoning can lead to brain damage or even death.

If your child has been exposed to lead, contact an experienced Iowa child lead poisoning attorney to get your legal questions answered. The attorneys at the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund will listen to your concerns and discuss your legal options. Call the Cedar Rapids lead poisoning attorneys at Brady Preston Gronlund at (319) 866-9277 for a free legal evaluation today.