A truck driver swerved across his lane and made me veer into another lane. Although the truck didn't collide with me, can I still hold the trucker liable for the accident?

Yes, you may be able to go after the truck driver who caused you to swerve into another lane. Even though the truck didn't collide with you, you were still involved in an Eastern Iowa crash with another car. We would need to know a little bit more about the details. For example, did the truck driver know that he caused you to crash? Did he stop? Do you have any witnesses? Do you have the truck driver's information?

If you don't have the trucker's name and number or the truck's information, it may be hard to find the truck responsible for your Iowa crash. Please call us to discuss your case in more detail, and we may be able to help you hold the truck driver accountable for his actions.

You can reach the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund at (319) 866-9277 to schedule a free legal consultation with one of our experienced Cedar Rapids personal injury lawyers today.