» Lead Poisoning

Why are contractors and painters charging more money for renovations in Iowa?

If you are thinking about remodeling, repainting or renovating your home that was built before 1978, it may have lead-based paint. If contractors or painters have to work with this type of paint, they may charge you more money because of all the requirements, set up time and all the work that is involved.

New EPA regulations called the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule went into effect in April 2010, and require contractors, workers, handymen, painters and other remodelers to get certified in working with lead-based paint.

Making sure the home is properly taped off and set up requires additional time, which could mean more money. It is important to hire a certified safe lead contractor to work on your home for the sake of your own health.

If you have been exposed to lead-based paint and you believe you have a legal case, contact the experienced Iowa lead poisoning attorneys at the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund today at (319) 866-9277, or visit our website and request a copy of our FREE book Get the Lead Out.

Who is responsible for lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning cases can be pursued against several different parties depending upon the specific situation. Some of the liable parties can include:

  • Landlords of apartment buildings
  • Owners of rental homes
  • Sellers of homes and real estate agents
  • School and day care facility owners
  • Manufacturers

When landlords and owners of older apartment buildings, single family homes, day care centers and schools fail to eliminate the lead-based paint from their properties, they can be held responsible for lead paint damages to children as well as adults.

If someone sells their home and the real estate agent or the homeowner does not disclose that there is lead based paint in the home, they could be held liable. In addition, manufacturers of products who fail to disclose that lead-based paint was used can also be responsible for lead poisoning.

If you believe that your child has been affected negatively by lead-based toys, products, or by paint in your child's school or home, you may have an Iowa lead poisoning claim. Call the experienced Cedar Rapids child lead poisoning attorneys at the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund today at (319) 866-9277, or visit our website and request a copy of our FREE book Get the Lead Out.

Who can be held responsible for my child's lead poisoning?

Often a lead poisoning case can be pursued against a landlord who failed to eliminate lead based paint hazards from the rental property where a child resides. Sometimes claims can also be brought against realtors and sellers of property who failed to disclose the presence of lead based pain hazards or manufacturers of dangerous products containing lead.

When will I know if should bring a claim for lead poisoning on behalf of my child?

Most experts believe that the best time test a child to determine whether they have been injured as a result of lead poisoning is after they are at least 4 years old. It may be best to wait until your child is at least four years old in order to determine whether or not to bring a claim on their behalf; however, you should contact an attorney to discuss your claim as soon as possible after learning of the lead poisoning so that the attorney can gather and preserve all of the records available and interview witnesses, while the issues are still fresh in their minds.

What should I do if I think my child has lead poisoning?

If you suspect your child may have been exposed to lead, it is extremely important for you to take your child to see a doctor immediately. Your son or daughter will need to have a blood test in order to find out if he or she has lead poisoning. The nurse or doctor will draw blood from your child's arm or finger and have the lab test a sample to verify if lead levels are found in the blood and how much it contains.

In Iowa, these tests should be completed if your child is anywhere between the ages of six months to six years and is starting day care, preschool or kindergarten. These facilities require a blood lead test to assess each child for Iowa lead poisoning.

If your child's level is 10 micrograms per deciliter or higher, then their blood lead levels are unsafe, and you will be instructed by your health care provider that your child will need follow-up testing. Your doctor will provide you with further instructions if your child is found to have high blood lead levels.

If your child has lead poisoning in Iowa, you should call a knowledgeable Cedar Rapids child lead poisoning attorney at the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund today at (319) 866-9277 to find out your rights, and request a copy of our FREE book, Get the Lead Out.

If my child was lead poisoned at a young age and is now having trouble in school, can I still bring a case for them?

Yes. In Iowa, children who are injured have until they are 19 years old to bring claims for their injuries. It is not always a good idea to wait that long to bring a claim because witnesses may move away and important evidence may be destroyed. Additionally, parents of lead poisoned children also have claims that have a shorter statute of limitation. You should contact an attorney to discuss whether your child has a legal claim.

I heard that lead poisoning is linked to child learning disabilities. Is this true?

Yes. Lead poisoning is linked to learning disabilities in children. Sadly, children are more susceptible to the negative effects of lead poisoning because their brains and nervous systems are still developing. A child could have been exposed from lead paint in their house, during pregnancy, or from a worker living in their home.

If any child is exposed to lead before the age of six years old, learning disabilities can occur. High blood lead levels have been known to interfere with a child's development, affect their IQ, and cause damage to the brain and nervous systems. Other symptoms of lead poisoning affect speech delays, hearing loss, hyperactivity, and stunted growth. It has also been linked to attention deficit disorder, loss of cognitive skills and learning behavior problems.

Watch your child's behavior and get them tested before the required age. If you believe you have a legal case, contact the experienced Iowa child lead poisoning attorneys at the law offices of Brady Preston Gronlund today at (319) 866-9277, or visit our website and request a copy of our FREE book Get the Lead Out.

How did my child become lead poisoned?

Most children in Iowa get lead poisoning from chipping and peeling lead based paint in homes built before 1960. Children often become lead poisoned from putting items that have lead dust on them in their mouths or from inhaling lead dust. Other sources of lead poisoning can be lead glazed pottery or certain home remedies including ayurvedic herbal supplements. In many cases, the local health department will investigate your child's lead poisoning to determine the source of the lead and help you to eliminate the lead hazards.