Too Many Fatal Eastern Iowa Accidents Involving Young People and Alcohol

There have been far too many stories in the news about young drivers losing their lives or killing other drivers while being intoxicated. This month alone at least two serious accidents involving alcohol have claimed the lives of two young people in Iowa. Recently a 17-year-old Cedar Rapids high school student was killed in a rollover crash in which at least one of the other passengers was intoxicated.

Police are also saying that a deadly crash in Cedar Falls, which killed a young woman, was caused by the intoxication of a young driver. Police also report that many accidents are caused by repeat drunk drivers and Mothers Against Drunk Driving is encouraging Iowa Courts and the Iowa Legislature to prevent deaths caused by repeat drunk drivers. MADD wants persons convicted of driving drunk to be required to install ignition interlocks that require the driver to take a breathalyzer test before starting their car.

In Iowa few judges order drunk drivers to install interlock systems but instead allow a shorter sentence for drivers who agree to install the system. MADD wants the law changed to require the interlock system. Two-thirds of Iowans who have been convicted of driving drunk will continue to drive drunk. Punishment does not work to prevent drunk driving, but studies have shown that the interlock system does work. Losing a loved one to a drunk driver is a terrible tragedy and instead of only punishing drunk drivers with fines and jail time we should work towards preventing drunk driving and saving lives.