Learn How to Respond to an Iowa Tractor Rollover Farm Accident

Farming is an essential occupation in the United States, as it provides food and other necessary items that people desire. Even though this is an important industry, the National Safety Center named the farming and agriculture industry as one of three most dangerous occupations in the nation.

One of the biggest safety concerns in farming is tractor rollover. Tractor accidents make up approximately 44% of farming accidents and injuries in the nation, with the largest percent coming from tractor rollovers. When a tractor overturns, a farmer or operator may be fatally injured as the tractor rolls over on them during use.

Farm accidents in Iowa can cause serious injuries or be deadly. Because tractor accidents occur more frequently than other farming accidents, it is wise to learn what you should and shouldn't do following a tractor rollover accident in Iowa. Some accident victims may have a chance of survival and others may not. If you are first to approach the accident scene involving a tractor rollover in Iowa, there are essential steps you need to make sure you take:

  • Call emergency responders - Do not hang up until they instruct you to do so. They may give you support over the phone. Provide them with the location of the incident and your contact information.
  • Look to see if the tractor is stable - In an overturned tractor accident, the tractor may have rolled down a hill. Approach the equipment from the uphill side, as the tractor may be unstable. This way you may be able to help the victim or turn off the power to the tractor.
  • Shut off power to the tractor - If possible, turn off the ignition key to the tractor and shut off the fuel on a diesel tractor, if you can do so without putting yourself in harm's way. Do not disengage the power take-off (PTO), as it can move and create more damage to the victim.
  • Provide first aid - If needed, provide first aid to the victim until emergency responders arrive on scene. Never move someone if there is a chance of spinal injury.
  • Do not use the equipment - After a farming accident, do not use the tractor. Contact an experienced agriculture farming accident lawyer, and wait until investigators have looked at the scene of the accident before moving the equipment.

It is important to stay calm when approaching a tractor accident. Being knowledgeable about how to approach a farm accident can help save someone's life. If someone you know or work with experienced an agriculture injury as a result of a tractor rollover, contact Brady Preston Gronlund today. Our experience with farm accident cases may help to ensure a larger settlement for the victim's injuries.

If you have been injured in an agriculture accident in Iowa, call Brady Preston Gronlund today at (319) 866-9277 for a free legal consultation, or email us and we will respond quickly. We will answer your legal questions and determine if you have a legal case.