Defective Seatbelts Can Come Unlatched During an Iowa Car Crash

Whether by your driving instructor, your parents or the media, you most likely have been informed that seatbelts save lives. Buckling up while traveling in a car is important for your safety, especially if you are involved in an eastern Iowa car crash.

According to research, people who wear seatbelts are half as likely to be injured seriously in a wreck and about 45% less likely to die. This is because seatbelts are designed to keep serious injuries from occurring by restraining you and keeping you inside the vehicle.

What if your seatbelt failed?

If a seatbelt doesn't do its job, the driver or passenger may be ejected from the vehicle on impact, may hit their heads on the windshield, or may be thrown around inside the vehicle. Surprisingly, there are seatbelts that unlock and unlatch early, or do not tighten, resulting in excessive slack.

When a vehicle is poorly designed or manufactured, serious injuries or wrongful death may occur. Sadly, these defects in manufacturing or design could have been prevented, saving you from injuries.

When this occurs, you need to contact a skilled Iowa personal injury lawyer immediately after the accident. Your restraint system will need to be inspected and evaluated at the very beginning to preserve evidence and establish liability in your case.

A seatbelt should protect you, not harm you. You counted on that safety belt to protect you in case of an accident. You wore your seatbelt, so why should you have to suffer for a manufacturer's negligence for restraint system failure?

If you have been injured due to a malfunctioning seatbelt, you most likely have a defective seatbelt claim in which you should seek financial compensation from the manufacturer for your injuries and losses.

There are many serious injuries that malfunctioning seatbelts can cause, including: brain injuries, spinal cord injury, paralysis, internal injuries, back and neck injuries, facial injuries, and even death. If you suffered from any type of injury in an Iowa crash as a result of a defective seatbelt, please call a qualified attorney who can investigate your case and has experience in these types of matters.

Call the Law Offices of Brady Preston Gronlund today to find out if you have a claim against your vehicle manufacturer for your injuries. You may be able to earn financial compensation for your damages and losses. Contact an experienced Cedar Rapids personal injury lawyer at (319) 866-9277 for a free legal evaluation today.